Sarah P. – Photo by Fotini Chora

Artist: Sarah P.
Title: Who Am I
Release: May 12, 2017
1. A Letter From Urban Street
2. ForgetRegret
3. Away From Me
4. Instead Of You
5. LoveStory
6. Summer Prince
7. Who Am I
8. Millennial Girl
9. To You
10. Berlin During Winter
Buy (digital): iTunes | Amazon | GooglePlay
Stream: Spotify | Deezer | Apple Music
Artist Links: Homepage | Facebook | Twitter
Who Am I is Sarah P.’s solo debut full-length album. A pop record that is different, an ode to the humanly deep need of security and love and a piece of art that reads pages from Sarah P.’s diaries. It’s an album about fears, hopes, memories, dreams – and love. Inspired by Berlin, her Greek roots & personal struggles, Sarah asks “Who Am I? Who are we?”
“Our ethics, our cultures are shaping us, but what we become is completely our choice. I’ve been constantly asking myself ‘who am I’. Have you?”, asks Sarah in her latest article. Although the album is inspired by her struggles and personal fights, the humor and positivity are not missing – Sarah’s sarcasm is omnipresent, so is her passion for a better change that we all can bring once we decide to do so. It’s the realization that we have to start by asking ourselves who we are, who we want to be, and what we stand for.
On Who Am I, Sarah P. gets political, comments on our societies, serenades about true love, criticizes herself, and shares her fears and dreams. “There’s no right and there’s no wrong, but there’s hope,” says Sarah. “And while we’re feeling defeated, even during those dark hours, there’s hope we can do better. And we will.”
Following up her solo debut EP Free (2015), the full-length album Who Am I is out on May 12, 2017, via EraseRestart. The album consists of ten songs that Sarah wrote in Berlin while thinking of her hometown Athens. Who Am I was produced together with George Priniotakis at Artracks Studios Athens, the surrounding she already knew before from her years as frontwoman of Keep Shelly in Athens.
– “‘Who Am I’ is sophisticated, cultured and synthtastic. Sarah P. certainly stands for high quality recordings, originally produced and sophistically executed.” – The Electricity Club
– “Sarah P.’s debut pits the hounds of the past, feelings of the present & resolve toward residing over her own tomorrow through a cathartic display of electro-pop proliferation, sophistication, an earnest depiction of praxis that offers a glimpse of internal processes that are honest & humbling that will give most listeners a moment for pause & reflection. Sarah has sent the universe a love-letter of self-care & the perpetual mission & quest for self-understanding (not to mention our understanding of others).” – Impose
– “Sheer Björk-ish beauty” – The Dutch Guy
– “Imagine Björk and Kate Bush having an espresso together.” – Give It A Spin
– “This is a pop record that is different, an ode to the humanly deep need for security and love” – Dash’n’Verve
– “Who Am I is a tale of the human beings.” – Tsinoshi Bar
– “SARAH P.’s debut is a very unique piece of music and it’s another step in an incredibly inspiring development.” – NBHAP
– “Sarah P. is expressing herself but also looking beyond herself, putting her art in the context of history and expressing curiosity at human condition.” – The Berklee Grooove
– “Sarah P.’s work focuses both inwards towards notions of self-discovery and emotional necessity, and outwards towards the surrounding social and political environment” – MusicMap Global
– “Sarah P’s solo pop bubbles with a lithe energy that emerges even during the heaviest of synth refrains.” – Bandcamp
– “‘Who Am I’ is a piece of pitch-perfect jungle-pop” – Highsnobiety
– “The Greek vocalist’s future is wide open — and she’s out to claim every inch of it.” – MTV Iggy
– “Tracks almost as otherworldly as her vocals.” – Under The Radar
– “A fluttering, heady explosion of colourful pop with a melancholic edge of plaintive clarity.” – The 405
– “Electro pop Goddess” – Sound Injections
– “Formerly one half of the Athenian duo Keep Shelly in Athens, Sarah’s solo path is one committed to embracing the ever shifting grounds of changes that shakes off the shackles of pretension with a sharp wit and smart electric pop know-how.” – Impose[:de]
Sarah P. – Photo by Fotini Chora

Artist: Sarah P.
Title: Who Am I
Release: May 12, 2017
1. A Letter From Urban Street
2. ForgetRegret
3. Away From Me
4. Instead Of You
5. LoveStory
6. Summer Prince
7. Who Am I
8. Millennial Girl
9. To You
10. Berlin During Winter
Buy (digital): iTunes | Amazon | GooglePlay
Stream: Spotify | Deezer | Apple Music
Artist Links: Homepage | Facebook | Twitter
“Unsere Ethiken und unsere Kulturen prägen uns, aber zu wem wir wirklich werden, liegt allein in unseren Händen. Wir alle sollten uns fragen wer wir eigentlich sind und wer wir sein wollen”, sagt Sarah. Who Am I ist in von ihren persönlichen Kämpfe beeinflusst, dennoch fehlt es an keinem Punkt an Positivität. Sarahs Sarkasmus ist allgegenwärtig, genau wie ihre Überzeugung, dass die Welt eine Bessere sein kann – wenn wir gemeinsam dafür entscheiden. Die Erkenntnis: wir müssen beginnen uns zu fragen, wer wir sind, wer wir sein wollen und wofür wir stehen.
Auf Who Am I kommentiert Sarah P. unsere Gesellschaften, kritisiert sich selbst, teilt ihre Ängste und Träume und singt über wahre Liebe. “Es gibt immer Hoffnung”, sagt Sarah. “Selbst in dunklen Stunden, gibt es Hoffnung. Hoffnung, dass wir es besser machen können. Und das werden wir.”
Nach ihrer Solo-Debut EP Free (2015) wird das Album Who Am I am 12. Mai 2017 über Sarah P.’s eigenes Label EraseRestart veröffentlicht. Geschrieben wurde Who Am I in Berlin während Sarah an ihre Heimatstadt Athen dachte. Produziert wurde das Album gemeinsam mit George Priniotakis in den Artracks Studios Athen.
– “‘Who Am I’ is sophisticated, cultured and synthtastic. Sarah P. certainly stands for high quality recordings, originally produced and sophistically executed.” – The Electricity Club
– “Sarah P.’s debut pits the hounds of the past, feelings of the present & resolve toward residing over her own tomorrow through a cathartic display of electro-pop proliferation, sophistication, an earnest depiction of praxis that offers a glimpse of internal processes that are honest & humbling that will give most listeners a moment for pause & reflection. Sarah has sent the universe a love-letter of self-care & the perpetual mission & quest for self-understanding (not to mention our understanding of others).” – Impose
– “Sheer Björk-ish beauty” – The Dutch Guy
– “Imagine Björk and Kate Bush having an espresso together.” – Give It A Spin
– “This is a pop record that is different, an ode to the humanly deep need for security and love” – Dash’n’Verve
– “Who Am I is a tale of the human beings.” – Tsinoshi Bar
– “SARAH P.’s debut is a very unique piece of music and it’s another step in an incredibly inspiring development.” – NBHAP
– “Sarah P. is expressing herself but also looking beyond herself, putting her art in the context of history and expressing curiosity at human condition.” – The Berklee Grooove
– “Sarah P.’s work focuses both inwards towards notions of self-discovery and emotional necessity, and outwards towards the surrounding social and political environment” – MusicMap Global
– “Sarah P’s solo pop bubbles with a lithe energy that emerges even during the heaviest of synth refrains.” – Bandcamp
– “‘Who Am I’ is a piece of pitch-perfect jungle-pop” – Highsnobiety
– “The Greek vocalist’s future is wide open — and she’s out to claim every inch of it.” – MTV Iggy
– “Tracks almost as otherworldly as her vocals.” – Under The Radar
– “A fluttering, heady explosion of colourful pop with a melancholic edge of plaintive clarity.” – The 405
– “Electro pop Goddess” – Sound Injections
– “Formerly one half of the Athenian duo Keep Shelly in Athens, Sarah’s solo path is one committed to embracing the ever shifting grounds of changes that shakes off the shackles of pretension with a sharp wit and smart electric pop know-how.” – Impose[:]
– “‘Who Am I’ is sophisticated, cultured and synthtastic. Sarah P. certainly stands for high quality recordings, originally produced and sophistically executed.” – The Electricity Club
– “Sarah P.’s debut pits the hounds of the past, feelings of the present & resolve toward residing over her own tomorrow through a cathartic display of electro-pop proliferation, sophistication, an earnest depiction of praxis that offers a glimpse of internal processes that are honest & humbling that will give most listeners a moment for pause & reflection. Sarah has sent the universe a love-letter of self-care & the perpetual mission & quest for self-understanding (not to mention our understanding of others).” – Impose
– “Sheer Björk-ish beauty” – The Dutch Guy
– “Imagine Björk and Kate Bush having an espresso together.” – Give It A Spin
– “This is a pop record that is different, an ode to the humanly deep need for security and love” – Dash’n’Verve
– “Who Am I is a tale of the human beings.” – Tsinoshi Bar
– “SARAH P.’s debut is a very unique piece of music and it’s another step in an incredibly inspiring development.” – NBHAP
– “Sarah P. is expressing herself but also looking beyond herself, putting her art in the context of history and expressing curiosity at human condition.” – The Berklee Grooove
– “Sarah P.’s work focuses both inwards towards notions of self-discovery and emotional necessity, and outwards towards the surrounding social and political environment” – MusicMap Global
– “Sarah P’s solo pop bubbles with a lithe energy that emerges even during the heaviest of synth refrains.” – Bandcamp
– “‘Who Am I’ is a piece of pitch-perfect jungle-pop” – Highsnobiety
– “The Greek vocalist’s future is wide open — and she’s out to claim every inch of it.” – MTV Iggy
– “Tracks almost as otherworldly as her vocals.” – Under The Radar
– “A fluttering, heady explosion of colourful pop with a melancholic edge of plaintive clarity.” – The 405
– “Electro pop Goddess” – Sound Injections
– “Formerly one half of the Athenian duo Keep Shelly in Athens, Sarah’s solo path is one committed to embracing the ever shifting grounds of changes that shakes off the shackles of pretension with a sharp wit and smart electric pop know-how.” – Impose[:]